Three commissioners sit at a table draped in blue cloth, in front of a green banner. .
Commissioners reconvene after a three-hour closed session.

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting, Dec. 1, 2022 

The board spent three hours in closed session discussing the police chief’s recommendation to place five officers on administrative leave, including four from the 12th Precinct. Ultimately, commissioners approved only placing one on leave. They also postponed voting on the leave of two officers on the officers’ request. 

“What can we do as a board? Sit around this table, and all we do is just ask the same doggone questions every single Thursday, and people still die.”
— Jim Holley, at-large police oversight commissioner, asks Chief of Police James White how the board can act to improve mental health in Detroit.

Following the county prosecutor’s decision not to press charges against police officers who killed Porter Burks, the board and Chief of Police James White continued to point to a lack of mental health services in the city. 

The Detroit Police Department (DPD) plans to centralize crisis intervention teams across the city. Chief of Police James White promised that nearly all team members will continue working in that capacity. However, commissioners were displeased the lack of communication in this process. White also emphasized that DPD’s crisis intervention is “not the solution to the mental health crisis in Detroit.” 

Commissioner Linda Bernard criticized DPD’s policy of not permanently attaching citizen complaints to police officers’ personnel files, including exonerated complaints. Lt. Mark Young, president of the Detroit Police Lieutenants & Sergeants Association, passionately defended this policy. 

A resident in the 11th Precinct complained of their neighborhood police officers being “ineffective” in resolving a conflict with a neighbor. 

The board approved the promotion of dozens of police officers to the ranks of lieutenant, sergeant and detective. 

Table of Contents


The meeting was live-blogged on Mastodon and Twitter for Detroit Documenters, which offers its own report.

Documents available on, including the meeting agenda and more documentation by Bridget Scallen.

The previous meeting on Nov. 17 was documented by Ashley Williams and Damien Benson. The next meeting on Dec. 8 was documented by Alex Klaus and Meghan Rutigliano.

Visit the agency’s website for official information.


Archived pages

Mastodon posts and meeting page are archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.


The actual start of the meeting (3 p.m.) can be heard 30 minutes into the recording. 


Screenshots of online meeting. Due to limited resources, image descriptions are provided on request — contact me.


Page published Dec. 1, 2022.

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